
Noontime Cantata Series
Now entering its 36th season, the Washington Bach Consort’s Noontime Cantata Series continues its mission of bringing the music of Johann Sebastian Bach to the Washington, DC community. Presented at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on Capitol Hill (Capitol Cantata Series) and Church of the Epiphany (Downtown Cantata Series), performances are free of charge to all attendees. Take a break from your busy workday and join us to enjoy the music of Bach in a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere!
Our 2024 education programs are expected to provide nearly 3,000 DC students with opportunities to hear and be inspired by exceptional classical music performances. We are committed to making our programs accessible to diverse audiences and helping young people develop an appreciation for early music that will last a lifetime.

The Washington Bach Consort seeks enthusiastic volunteers for the 2024-2025 concert season! Opportunities range from ushering and box office assistance to hosting musicians and providing office support. Volunteers receive benefits like free performance admission and event invitations.
The Consort accepts audition materials from vocalists and period instrumentalists on a continual basis.