Planned Giving
Did you know that it is possible for you to make a gift in support of the Consort while also ensuring you meet your needs for your lifetime and those of your loved ones? These giving techniques are called “planned gifts” because through a bit of easy planning, you, your family and the Washington Bach Consort can all benefit!
Making a planned gift—a gift through your will, revocable trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy—is one of the simplest ways to show your support and appreciation for the Washington Bach Consort. After your lifetime, your gift will continue to support a cause that has been important to you and will extend the legacy of your interest and values.
Ways of Giving
Additional Types of Beneficiary Designations
You may choose to designate the Consort as the beneficiary of a variety of assets including insurance policies, retirement plans (IRA, 403(b)/ commercial annuity/ pension), and financial accounts (bank accounts/CDs/savings).
Recognition for your Gift
Unless you prefer to remain anonymous, the Washington Bach Consort will honor you in our 1685 Society — a group of supporters who have expressed their commitment to the Consort by naming us as a beneficiary of their will or other planned gift.
Please Let us Know if you Have Already Made a Gift
If you have already included the Washington Bach Consort in your will or other estate plans, please let us know. We would like to welcome you into the 1685 Society.
For more information contact:
Development Department